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Invariants of manifolds from 6 dimensions 2
Invariants of manifolds from 6 dimensions 3
Invariants of manifolds from 6 dimensions 4
Invariants of manifolds from 6 dimensions 1
Quantum Groups and 3-Manifold Invariants - Deformation of the universal enveloping algebra of ...
Andrei Caldararu Lecture 2 on Categorical Enumerative Invariants
A gauge theoretic invariant of embedded surfaces in 4-manifolds and exotic P^2-knots.
Invariants of 4-manifolds - Tye Lidman
Ka Ho Wong---Asymptotics of the relative Reshetikhin-Turaev invariants
Realtime visualization of invariant manifolds
Hearing 2 and 3 orbifolds with heat invariants
Greg Moore - Quantum Field Theory And Invariants Of Smooth Four-Dimensional Manifolds